The difficulty of coping with Floods in Jakarta
Floods for the
citizens of the city of Jakarta is not foreign anymore, because every rain
definitely flooded Jakarta. Governments have long done a variety of ways to
mengastasi this problem, one of them by building BKT (Flood channel East) but
until now there has been no meaningful results. Jakarta still continue to
flood-ravaged getting worse everywhere.
A lot of things that cause flooding in Jakarta. Such things
such as: Jakarta Residents who have a dump the bad habit haphazard sampan. rivers
filled by sampa Tuesday-household garbage. lack of resapan water. These things
above are the main occurrence of floods in penebab Jakarta, which is very
difficult to overcome, because awareness of citizens is still very low. Thus
cope with floods in Jakarta it is extremely difficult, because it required high
kesadran for citizens to resolve the problem of flooding Jakarata.
These things above are the main occurrence of floods in
penebab Jakarta, which is very difficult to overcome, because awareness of
citizens is still very low. Thus cope with floods in Jakarta it is extremely
difficult, because it required high kesadran for citizens to resolve the
problem of flooding Jakarata.
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